Convergence of Consciousness

Convergence of Consciousness, Elements of Creation
The convergence of consciousness is the point at which creation occurs. It is the meeting point of the necessary elements to conceive a new creation. One such point was at the creation of your universe, a moment in a place beyond existence where the convergence of self-awareness and desire […]

The Web of Conscious Awareness

Consciousness is an interactive web of communication between all of its elements. It has been likened to a spider web, and appropriately so; for, like the spider web, any movement within it is felt throughout its entirety. All consciousness is connected and affects all of its individual parts to some degree. Admittedly, those to […]

Pending Shift in Consciousness

The pending shift in consciousness is defined by the ever-increasing awareness of the oneness of All That Is–and as a result the demise of the negative ego consciousness. The negative ego consciousness is that self identification that sees one’s individual expression in conflict and competition with the other aspects of creation. The negative ego […]

Ohm, The Song the Universe Sings

The universe has a voice, an audible expression of its existence. It is a voice made up of all its parts creating a resonant sound that vibrates in harmony with All That Is. For the scientist, when this audible vibration is detected they might defer it to the sound energy makes when being transmitted, […]

The Holographic Experience

The holographic nature of humanity’s existence is awakening upon the planet with the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies of universal energy. The planet, and therefore humanity, is on the cusp of a new experience of existence. An awakening deep within the recesses of humanity’s forgotten origins is emerging through the rich earth of human experience, like […]

Eternity & Infinity

Eternal Now & Eternal Here
Perception is pure awareness of the Oneness of All That Is. This perception is projected through the lens of the mind which can become deformed and distorted through the negative ego consciousness, and this perception projected through the lens of one’s mind creates one’s awareness. As we have stated, physicality […]