Monthly Archives: July 2012

The Frontier of a New Reality

In the conscious collection of existence, there is an emergence of realities being created by the consciousness of those who hold the thoughts. The proverbial veil—that invisible barrier that has seemed to separate and imprison humanity from experiencing full conscious awareness and spiritual truth—is very thin and is collapsing in the light of a […]

By |July 17th, 2012|Awakening|0 Comments

The Straight and Narrow

More than one religious philosophy states that the path of attainment and spiritual growth is straight and narrow. The implication is that the pathway to enlightenment is arduous and precarious. Yet in reality, spiritual growth and enlightenment are attained not by the attributes of the path taken but by the degree of focus, diligence […]

By |July 12th, 2012|Spirituality|0 Comments

The Methods and the Means of Mastery

The following is an excerpt from Mastery, The Method and The Meaning.

In this mini-book, we will explore the promise of and the pathway to mastery. Throughout history and across theological, philosophical and intellectual disciplines, the concept of mastering the physical plane of existence remains firm. Spiritual attainment is sought after and enlightenment is desired no […]

By |July 11th, 2012|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

A Case of Mistaken Identity

Throughout human history, there have been the avatars, mystics and spiritual teachers to enlighten humanity. These teachers have been seen as masters, way-showers and individuals who had attained enlightenment. Their message was clear; their teaching unfaltering in their perception of the human experience and the truth of the identity of those whom they taught. […]

By |July 5th, 2012|Enlightenment, Spirituality|1 Comment

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