Yearly Archives: 2009

A Fish Out of Water

Humanity is like a fish out of water or a bird that is unaware of the air when it comes to the awareness of Spirit in the Universe. When the bird understands the dynamics of air, and the fish the properties of water, they are able to maneuver in their environment and excel. Humanity on the […]

By |December 27th, 2009|All That Is, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

The Impossible Dream

To Dream the Impossible Dream
Perhaps the battering and bruising that can occur in your life might cause you to feel disassociated and powerless to accomplish your goals. When this occurs we wish for you to call upon the source of All That Is which is at your command. At these times, we wish for you you to embrace […]

By |December 26th, 2009|Metaphysical|0 Comments

Tranquil Seas of Consciousness

Upon the tranquil seas of your life experiences, you can find the inner understanding and meaning to your existence. But those waters often become tossed and turned by the negative ego conscious, thereby limiting that understanding. Human existence is fraught with many challenges. This truth is not a condemnation to a life of stress and anxiety; for, […]

By |December 18th, 2009|Consciousness|0 Comments

2012 – A new address in Consciousness

There is much talk what events will occur upon your planet in 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. Even your entertainment industry has grabbed a hold of the “buzz” and has created a virtual end of the world. Obviously, the Hopi and Mayan calendars and prophesies are beginning to loom on the horizon […]

By |December 7th, 2009|Awakening, Metaphysical|1 Comment

Keep on Keeping On

Does the world exist in you? Or do you exist in the world? Does anything that you perceive exist? Are you a dweller in reality or is reality a dweller in you?

When you understand this dynamic you understand the creator and the created, the container and the contained. The only thing that truly exists is consciousness; […]

By |November 17th, 2009|All That Is, The One Mind|0 Comments


All That Is is made up of the potentiality created from the One Mind, the One Thought and the One Soul. Every thought creates, therefore each individual’s creation varies just like the waves of light through a prism. The thought creates the definition and the potentiality is the choice. Choice, creation, and definition are […]

By |November 16th, 2009|All That Is, The One Mind|1 Comment

Weathering Nature

Weathering Nature, Weathering Human Nature
Storms have troubled mankind throughout the history. It is part of living on this planet. The lesson to be learned, or at least brought to consciousness, is that humanity does not work with nature. If an area is prone to earth quakes, why build great cities? If an area is […]

By |November 5th, 2009|Physicality|0 Comments

Theories on the Fall

There are many theories on humanity’s fall from grace. Religions, philosophers, theologians have sought to understand and explain the human condition. In your writings and philosophies, you speak of that critical time, that critical mass of consciousness where forgetting occurred. Scripture, holy writings speaks of humanity’s emerging awareness of knowledge of good and evil.

Understanding […]

By |October 29th, 2009|All That Is, Creation|0 Comments

The Chick in the Egg

Conscious awakening is like the chick in the egg who when it reaches its full gestation must make a choice to remain or take all of its energy and break forth. The chick in the egg has utilized all the nutrients that were available and needs to break out into a larger world to […]

By |October 24th, 2009|Awakening|0 Comments

On Dominion

Dominion is the rock upon which you stand, when you stand upon your dominion you send forth an invincible power.

You surrender your beliefs and emotions; for, it is in the subjectification of oneself that separates one from the mind of God.

There is no power outside you in your life that can defeat dominion, no […]

By |October 7th, 2009|Empowerment|0 Comments

Infinite Soul

The expansion of Consciousness is a powerful and unique evolutionary process in the reality of human existence. The concept of individuality can be likened to a pinhole in a veil in which the light of understanding, insight and knowledge is able to be perceived from a myopic point of view. The expansion of consciousness […]

By |October 5th, 2009|Soul|0 Comments

Faith as Surrender

Nothing, no action, no thought, no word, no emotion is outside this realm of consciousness. Take your fears and your guilt, those filters that stop you in your accessibility to the creative potentiality of the universe and surrender them.
Faith is another term for surrender.
The hope for things unseen, the faith that it can occur […]

By |September 10th, 2009|All That Is, Awakening, The One Mind|0 Comments

Consciousness of Dominion

Physical expression is arbitrary and forever changing. Consciousness is eternal. Your physical locale, your chronological place in existence, your physical expression are only limitations when one separates themselves from the consciousness of All That Is. When one reunites in The One Mind and The One Thought, access to the totality of creation, inter-dimensionally, spatially […]

By |August 24th, 2009|Consciousness, Physicality|0 Comments

Becoming Like the One

Obviously, the One Mind has the ability to comprehend itself; so, one might ask why is there a need for the One Thought? The One Thought is the catalyst of the manifestations of the One Mind. It is Thought that is the creative force that reaches within the pool of resources of potentiality within […]

By |August 20th, 2009|The One Mind|0 Comments


A martyr comes when one perceives that they must suffer or injure themselves in someway for someone else’s benefit. “Look at what I have to go through in order for all these people to learn.” Martyrdom is an abdication of responsibility and participation in one’s own lessons.
There never has been or ever will be […]

By |August 17th, 2009|Metaphysical|0 Comments

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