Monthly Archives: November 2014

The Master’s Mission

The following excerpt is Chapter 10 from Mastery, The Method and The Meaning.

If you were to refer to most of humanity’s religious writings, they would speak of one who has attained as an individual–who has transcended the physical plane of existence and mastered the world. It would seem that the mission of the master is […]

By |November 25th, 2014|Consciousness|0 Comments

Barriers and Boundaries

A thoughtful invitation to move beyond limitation.

Come with us; for, we whisper to you from beyond the veil of understanding and the light of awareness. We call to you to come. We invite you to reside in this place. We grant to you an emergence of awareness and well-being that you possess–that which is unseen. […]

By |November 17th, 2014|Awakening|0 Comments

Ancient Eons

Ancient Eons, Infinite Expressions
Even the greatest comprehension of the universe in which you dwell and the existence in which you live is but a fractional aspect of the total picture of the infinite and eternal expressions of consciousness. Scientists have investigated and determined that the universe is 4 billion years old; yet, that was […]

By |November 10th, 2014|Consciousness, Universe|0 Comments

Convergence Consciousness

The Energetic Pattern of Convergence Consciousness
At the very heart of creation is the energetic signature of the potentiality created by the consciousness of All That Is. Each and every creation—be it the power of light, the focus of thought, the butterfly that flutters or the great whale that glides silently in the sea—each has […]

By |November 3rd, 2014|Consciousness, Creation, Energy|0 Comments

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