Avada includes a blog shortcode you can use anywhere on the site!

This blog shortcode was submitted by Markus, one of our Avada users and now on our developing team! It just goes to show what an awesome community we have, everyone is willing to help & share ideas. Dont wait, be a part of the Avada community today!

Convergence of Consciousness

Convergence of Consciousness, Elements of Creation
The convergence of consciousness is the point at which creation occurs. It is the meeting point of the necessary elements to conceive a new creation. One such point was […]

The Web of Conscious Awareness

Consciousness is an interactive web of communication between all of its elements. It has been likened to a spider web, and appropriately so; for, like the spider web, any movement within it is felt […]

Pending Shift in Consciousness

The pending shift in consciousness is defined by the ever-increasing awareness of the oneness of All That Is–and as a result the demise of the negative ego consciousness. The negative ego consciousness is that […]