Monthly Archives: December 2009

A Fish Out of Water

Humanity is like a fish out of water or a bird that is unaware of the air when it comes to the awareness of Spirit in the Universe. When the bird understands the dynamics of air, and the fish the properties of water, they are able to maneuver in their environment and excel. Humanity on the […]

By |December 27th, 2009|All That Is, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

The Impossible Dream

To Dream the Impossible Dream
Perhaps the battering and bruising that can occur in your life might cause you to feel disassociated and powerless to accomplish your goals. When this occurs we wish for you to call upon the source of All That Is which is at your command. At these times, we wish for you you to embrace […]

By |December 26th, 2009|Metaphysical|0 Comments

Tranquil Seas of Consciousness

Upon the tranquil seas of your life experiences, you can find the inner understanding and meaning to your existence. But those waters often become tossed and turned by the negative ego conscious, thereby limiting that understanding. Human existence is fraught with many challenges. This truth is not a condemnation to a life of stress and anxiety; for, […]

By |December 18th, 2009|Consciousness|0 Comments

2012 – A new address in Consciousness

There is much talk what events will occur upon your planet in 2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar. Even your entertainment industry has grabbed a hold of the “buzz” and has created a virtual end of the world. Obviously, the Hopi and Mayan calendars and prophesies are beginning to loom on the horizon […]

By |December 7th, 2009|Awakening, Metaphysical|1 Comment

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