To Dream the Impossible Dream
Perhaps the battering and bruising that can occur in your life might cause you to feel disassociated and powerless to accomplish your goals. When this occurs we wish for you to call upon the source of All That Is which is at your command. At these times, we wish for you you to embrace your Oneness. Do not perceive yourself alone or separate from what you need. You have access and connection with everything that exists. Everything you want, everything you desire, everything you need is present.
Lift yourself up from your confusion, frustration, despair, and the defeat that you feel in your heart and believe. Believe and know in the midst of it all, that all is well in your world. You are united with and inseparable from the mind of God and the Consciousness of All That Is. As you lift yourself up from your own creation of despair, denial, refusal and doubt you lift all of humanity in Consciousness. You have had your garden of agony, allow the light of All That Is to burn off the negativity and free you. We wish for you to be transformed into the living, conscious beings of All That Is. We wish you to experience the decay of the negative ego consciousness and its creation falling from your life in order that you might be the enlightened expressive beings you are.
Do nothing but ask, as you ask be open and accepting. Just as your brother, Jesus, asked when facing his greatest fears. He looked down the jowls of evil and overcame. There is a transformative step occurring and the way has been made straight for you.
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