Monthly Archives: July 2013

The Four Races

At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit came down and He made an appearance and gathered the peoples of this earth together “they say on an island which is now beneath the water” and He said to the human beings, “I’m going to send you to four directions […]

By |July 28th, 2013|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments


What is a miracle?

What does it look like?

Is it always wondrous? Or perhaps mundane?

Is it possible to be missed? Or perhaps not even accepted?

In a religious context, a miracle is a direct intervention into the physical plane of existence by the divine, most often altering natural law and precipitating events that are created from […]

By |July 21st, 2013|Metaphysical|0 Comments


Perhaps you can recall as a child kneeling at the side of your bed, hands folded, a parent gently coaching you to prayer. “Now I lay me down to sleep…” As we grew and developed a sense of spiritual identity, it was comfortable to know there was a ‘father’ who watched over us, who […]

By |July 6th, 2013|Spirituality|0 Comments

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