Monthly Archives: April 2014

Tribulation to Triumph

In the journey of enlightenment whenever one calls upon the realms to be of assistance, the realms of light always respond. No matter what has occurred in your life by external forces or internal choices, the universe, the source and the community of souls throughout the universe are always in assistance to the one […]

By |April 30th, 2014|Enlightenment, Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

With Highest Esteem

Consciousness is much like a website hub on the internet with the individual expressions being the outposts connected to the center point of awareness. Humanity often feels less than full participants in the spiritual realms, or worse yet, they see us of the realms as greater than themselves—nothing can be further from the truth.

Just […]

By |April 20th, 2014|Consciousness|0 Comments

Merging Mind, Thought, and Source

Firstly, the more that you merge with the One Mind, the One Thought and the One Soul, the more harmonious and balanced you become, and your life’s journey becomes more synchronous. When you are attuned with the One Mind, greater creativity manifests in your life. When you are in alignment with the One Thought your intuition sharpens, and […]

By |April 4th, 2014|Enlightenment, The One Mind|0 Comments

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