Monthly Archives: December 2012

Above the Fray

The human experience can be chaotic and confusing. It is easy for an individual to be immersed in it to the point of inundation. The result is then to become reactive rather than proactive and perhaps, we could say, consciously panicked.
When we speak of being above the fray, we are not saying not to […]

By |December 27th, 2012|Consciousness, Enlightenment|0 Comments

Blessed Are Those Who…

For those who are familiar with the teachings of Jesus, they can easily fill in the rest of the title. For those who may not be as familiar, these words begin a litany of blessings to the hungry, thirsty, sick, suffering and sorrowful.

Throughout the centuries, these words, “Blessed are those who…” have been theologized […]

By |December 12th, 2012|Love|0 Comments

Expanding Universe

Expanding Universe, Expanding You
Let us walk you through a concept. There is a statement, should we say, “theory of a big bang.” What was the causal force of this momentous event?

The catalyst for this event which created the big bang was the first dimensional, the Eternal Here.

As soon as consciousness exploded it created space […]

By |December 5th, 2012|Universe|0 Comments

Riding the Cusp

Self-realization and self-awareness are indeed valuable attributes in understanding one’s motives, observing one’s actions, and acknowledging one’s thought processes. You are in a new energetic phase. Humanity is in a phase that is exaggerating all actions, activities, thoughts and emotions. This energetic flux in a dimensional shift becomes apparent as humanity rides the remaining […]

By |December 2nd, 2012|Awakening|0 Comments

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