
Ohm, The Song the Universe Sings

The universe has a voice, an audible expression of its existence. It is a voice made up of all its parts creating a resonant sound that vibrates in harmony with All That Is. For the scientist, when this audible vibration is detected they might defer it to the sound energy makes when being transmitted, […]

By |August 25th, 2017|All That Is, Enlightenment, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

So Love the World

We would like to speak of the universe, not only in its immenseness but also in its intricate design to the point of its minuteness. The universe is the compilation of all that exists and there are many universes to be explored. The universe exists because you exist. It is a reflection of yourself. […]

By |January 31st, 2017|Universe|1 Comment

Close Encounters

Close Encounters of the Universal Kind
Some who read these words maybe familiar with the term “close encounters” as it refers to extra-terrestrial contact from sightings (an encounter of the first kind) to actual alien contact (the third kind).

Now we are well aware of the myriad of sentient species at varying stages of development scattered […]

By |December 15th, 2014|Awakening, Metaphysical, Universe|0 Comments

Ancient Eons

Ancient Eons, Infinite Expressions
Even the greatest comprehension of the universe in which you dwell and the existence in which you live is but a fractional aspect of the total picture of the infinite and eternal expressions of consciousness. Scientists have investigated and determined that the universe is 4 billion years old; yet, that was […]

By |November 10th, 2014|Consciousness, Universe|0 Comments

God Mind

We have spoken to you of Consciousness as being synonymous with the creative force and source of the universe. We have specifically spoken of God Consciousness which is in alignment to the intent and purposes of creation. We have indicated to you that you are that consciousness in physical form, the chalice of beingness.

So […]

By |October 23rd, 2014|The One Mind, Universe|0 Comments

Boomerang of Consciousness

We are quite sure that most reading this concept have heard of the boomerang and its ability, when thrown, to return to the sender. We find this an excellent analogy to assist in the understanding the dynamics of thought and emotion and its creative process. You have heard it said what you project returns […]

By |October 19th, 2014|Consciousness, Universe|0 Comments

Signs and Symbols

Within physical creation there is a shadow image of eternal existence–from the framework of the universe to the intricacies of an atom and from the DNA chain to the spiraling nebula. These are a reflection of the one who created them. These are an indicator of the aspects of consciousness. Just as the artist […]

By |August 10th, 2014|Enlightenment, Universe|0 Comments

Simple Circles, Sacred Cycle

As we have indicated in the past, the symbol of the fourth dimension, the spiritual realms, is that of the circle. The circle is encompassing; all points upon its edge are equal to the center. When three-dimensionalized, the circle becomes a sphere, similar to that of the planet on which you dwell. Even the […]

By |June 26th, 2014|Universe|0 Comments

The Perfect Present Moment

You have heard stated numerous times that all that exists is the now. That all power resides in the now. There are philosophies and even treatments that utilize this truth for both the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the participant. Yet the perfect present moment can seem illusive and unattainable when the fears […]

By |June 10th, 2014|Consciousness, Physicality, Universe|2 Comments

Time Eternal

In the infinite understanding of creation, there are no limits, no boundaries to one’s conscious awareness. You have been instructed that time and space do not exist in the realms beyond the physical planes of existence and that all is eternal and all is infinite. As a result, there is but one place where […]

By |March 1st, 2014|Universe|0 Comments

Clockworks of Consciousness

The universal clockworks of consciousness tick toward an ultimate hour of awakening. The evolution of consciousness is intricately entwined with the internal movements of the universe.
The relationship is symbiotic rather than cause and effect. We are sure many who read these words are questioning, “Why the relationship?”. It is best answered by first stating […]

By |February 2nd, 2013|Universe|0 Comments

Expanding Universe

Expanding Universe, Expanding You
Let us walk you through a concept. There is a statement, should we say, “theory of a big bang.” What was the causal force of this momentous event?

The catalyst for this event which created the big bang was the first dimensional, the Eternal Here.

As soon as consciousness exploded it created space […]

By |December 5th, 2012|Universe|0 Comments

Creativity vs. Creation

We often speak of humanity as creators and becoming increasingly aware of their participation in the creative force of the universe. With that increasing awareness, people have become aware of the responsibility to create well. Part of the ongoing “problem” is that humanity does not remain conscious in their creations, often mis-creating through lack […]

By |December 6th, 2011|Creation, Energy, Enlightenment, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

Convergence in Consciousness

The universe, as one grand instrument, plays a melody to which creation sings. This harmonic vibratory force resonates throughout all physical creation. It is amplified and focused when there is a convergence of consciousness—which occurs when more than one individual is in creative thought and harmony with the melody of the universe.
With the convergence, […]

By |November 12th, 2011|Consciousness, Universe|1 Comment

The Universe: The Unfoldment of Consciousness

Philosophers, theologians and even psychologists have sought to understand and define the concepts of reality and consciousness. It is intriguing, if not ironic, that the very sea of awareness that you swim in is exceptionally difficult to comprehend and define.
The parameters of consciousness and the limits of your reality are synonymous with each other.
It […]

By |June 22nd, 2011|The One Mind, Universe|0 Comments

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