Monthly Archives: February 2010

The Continuity of Creation

From the fires of inspiration and the chaos of conceptualization, all the universes of all dimensions were created. Creation is eternal and infinite and not isolated to one time or place. It is an energetic dance of dynamic forces in a perfect cycle of chaos. Creation cannot be fully comprehended and is ever evolving. […]

By |February 25th, 2010|Creation, Energy, Universe|0 Comments

Glass Ceiling of Consciousness

Do not create a glass ceiling of consciousness. Do not limit that which you can attain. You are the master of your spiritual house, not the servant, and the crumbs that fall from the table are not yours to consume.

Spirituality and the attainment of its attributes are a powerful process for humanity. When the […]

By |February 9th, 2010|Metaphysical|3 Comments


Let us discuss the concept of individuality. It would only take a cursory glance at the universe, its individual stars, or your world with a meadow filled with individual flowers to quickly understand that the concept of individuality is not an aberrant concept to be avoided or extinguished from the creation. Individuality is the […]

By |February 1st, 2010|Awakening, Spirituality, Universe|1 Comment

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