
The Menace of Mediocrity

Jesus suggested if you are lukewarm, “ I will spit you out from my mouth.“ The Hindi Islamic cultures see indecision as a deadly sin and a blatant statement of dishonoring God.
What is mediocrity and why is it so condemned by so many spiritual beliefs?
Mediocrity is not indecision but rather a state created from […]

By |March 16th, 2012|Physicality, Spirituality|1 Comment

The Fork in The Road

There is a poem that speaks of a traveler coming upon a fork in the road and choosing the one less traveled—which made all the difference in his life. The takeaway is that the well-traveled road leads to a common, usual and familiar life, while the less-traveled road leads to an obviously more fulfilled life. Most […]

By |February 10th, 2012|Enlightenment, Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

Destination Planet Earth

There have been many theories and philosophies about the purpose of human existence. Philosophy, psychology and numerous religions have sought to understand the human experience.
We would like to propose this analogy: incarnation is much like going on vacation.
You go on vacation to explore, relax, rejuvenate and expand your awareness of the world in which […]

By |December 19th, 2011|Enlightenment, Physicality|1 Comment

The Umbilical Cord of Consciousness

An umbilical cord is the bridge between gestation and birth. It provides the necessary nutrients for the growth of a fetus into a fully developed organism ready for birth. Virtually every living thing has some sort of umbilical connection between its point of conception and its development in preparation for birth, even within an egg […]

By |November 30th, 2011|Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

The Fingerprint

The fingerprint of consciousness in creation is held within the coding at the cellular level of your physical being. Scientists are well aware that they are just beginning to understand the potential and possibilities that this coding holds in understanding the interrelationship between the genes and DNA structure that creates your unique expression.
Scientists are […]

By |October 1st, 2011|Consciousness, Physicality|0 Comments

The Meaning and The Mechanism of Life

Scientists, philosophers, and physicians have sought to understand and define the complexities of the state of existence called life. In the sphere of the universe, life can neither be created nor destroyed. No human or species upon your planet or any other planet has ever created—or destroyed—life. You might argue about the reproductive processes […]

By |September 21st, 2011|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

Chance or Fate?

This question has haunted humanity since the beginning of time. It is certainly understood that physical existence is littered with the possibility and potential for calamity and tragedy. When a catastrophe strikes, an accident maims or kills, a natural disaster takes the lives of many, one questions if it was the “luck of the […]

By |July 13th, 2011|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments

Feel the Earth Move

Feel the earth move beneath your feet. These are the lyrics of the song that speak of that very fact. Indeed, it is lyrical and speaks of love. We, rather, speak literally to you: Feel the earth move beneath your feet.

In the recent past and even currently there have been numerous earthquakes and volcanoes. […]

By |February 15th, 2011|Consciousness, Physicality|2 Comments

The Pursuit

Humanity throughout its existence has been in a perpetual pursuit of desires and hopes. The positive impact of that motivation is that it keeps humanity seeking and striving to expand itself. All areas of human development have been spurred by that desire to reach beyond the horizons of one’s limitations, the boundaries of one’s […]

By |November 2nd, 2010|Enlightenment, Physicality|0 Comments


Confusion is created when consciousness loses sight of its focus. Confusion is not created out of consciousness; confusion is created out of the lack of it. In consciousness there is clarity and insight.

So what should an individual do when they are experiencing confusion? Though a seemingly complex dilemma, the answer is quite simple: if […]

By |October 24th, 2010|Physicality|0 Comments

A Simple Degree of Separation

Consciousness, like a compass, guides the traveler towards their destination. In the physical plane of existence, one is familiar with distance, time, direction in moving towards a predetermined goal. In the fourth dimensional realms, there are also parameters of orientation that assist the spiritual traveler towards the predetermined goals of Consciousness they wish to […]

By |August 25th, 2010|Consciousness, Physicality|1 Comment

Physical Existence

The Meaning of Physical Existence
There are volumes upon volumes written about the physical plane of existence, its laws and nature. There is a myriad of theses written to explain humanity’s existence but at the very fundamental levels, beyond scientific theory, lies a profound truth in understanding your physical existence.

Life by its very nature is […]

By |July 30th, 2010|Creation, Physicality|2 Comments

Joy and Suffering

Are the joys and the pleasures, the pain and the anxiety of your life by choice or by fate?

Is the path that you travel, the events that you experience and the goals that you do or do not reach in your life predestined by some power beyond yourself?

Those familiar with our words would quickly […]

By |May 14th, 2010|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments


The concept of healing is utilized on all levels of human expression. It is a goal, a process, and a destination that most of humanity participates in. Seemingly individuals are always in some process of healing, be it physical, emotional, and even spiritual. It is both the goal and the means to reach a state […]

By |May 12th, 2010|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments


When you create a goal or an energetic destination — how do you determine if and when this event will occur? Are you a prophet of your own destiny? Or are you too intimately involved to clearly see your own future? Does the present moment foreshadow future events? And if the only real moment is […]

By |April 14th, 2010|Creation, Physicality|0 Comments

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