
Potentials, Possibilities and Promises

We celebrate and rejoice in the potentials, possibilities and promises given humanity. The lessons learned, the tasks accomplished, the goals to reach and the promises to be obtained for you are coming to a deeper appreciation that the expression of your existence is greater than what can be comprehended.
The veil is ever thinning and […]

By |May 2nd, 2014|Consciousness, Physicality|0 Comments

Tribulation to Triumph

In the journey of enlightenment whenever one calls upon the realms to be of assistance, the realms of light always respond. No matter what has occurred in your life by external forces or internal choices, the universe, the source and the community of souls throughout the universe are always in assistance to the one […]

By |April 30th, 2014|Enlightenment, Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

The Circle of Gifts and Giving

Throughout all your holy writings, it speaks of the value of giving. For it is an acknowledgment that one has received. One cannot give without having received and one cannot receive without giving. The gift is not given out of need nor should it be given out of self-aggrandizement. The gift allows the necessary […]

By |February 23rd, 2014|Physicality|0 Comments


Life, in its myriad and many forms, is an expression of the consciousness of energy. If one is most observant and astute they can learn a great deal about the energetic elements of the universe by observing the many life forms upon your planet.

Life, in that context, is a key to unlock the awareness of […]

By |February 2nd, 2014|Energy, Physicality|0 Comments

The Pinnacle

When one reaches the Pinnacle of Consciousness, they experience their wisdom and knowledge expand. When you reach that pinnacle, the physical journey and the expenditure of energy ceases—and you rest. The pinnacle is to see all things in alignment in your life for the accomplishment of the goals that you have chosen and the path of the […]

By |December 23rd, 2013|Metaphysical, Physicality|0 Comments


When one experiences shifts and changes in one’s reality, be it in career, your locale or in those whom you interact with, it is an indicator of an inner shift in consciousness. When these events seem synchronistic and in alignment, it is an indicator that one is on the direct path and course for […]

By |November 27th, 2013|Metaphysical, Physicality|0 Comments

Knowing the Unknown

Much of humanity’s fear and anxiety is created by the illusion that there is an element of consciousness that is unknown. Behind the closed door, around the corner, and beyond the horizon are perceived as unknown and, therefore, threatening.
Is it curious that the illusion of not knowing is always seen in a negative context.
Perhaps […]

By |November 9th, 2013|Consciousness, Physicality|0 Comments

Healing Hurt

As one travels the road on this plane of existence, they suffer bumps and bruises along the path. At humanity’s current level of the evolutionary process, one can expect there to be upsets and injuries even in the best of circumstances. Now it is true that no one can do something to you and […]

By |August 28th, 2013|Physicality|0 Comments

Listen and Love the World

The planet speaks to you. What does she say?
If you want to know, listen to the birds singing. Listen to the chirps of crickets, the hum of bees, and cacophony of locusts. Listen to the breezes and winds. There is a voice greater than can be spoken in words. Become a participant and adapt […]

By |August 19th, 2013|Empowerment, Love, Physicality|0 Comments

The Four Races

At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit came down and He made an appearance and gathered the peoples of this earth together “they say on an island which is now beneath the water” and He said to the human beings, “I’m going to send you to four directions […]

By |July 28th, 2013|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments

Healing an Ailing Planet

We come to you not in admonishment but rather as children who need to be reminded to care for their parent. The planet, Mother Earth as you have come to call it, has been your nurturer and your parent in your physical journey through this plane of existence. She gives her gifts freely and […]

By |June 18th, 2013|Energy, Physicality|2 Comments

Attitudes as Indicators of Actions

Actions are a direct reflection of your thoughts, and your thoughts are a reflection of your consciousness. Therefore, your actions are a reflection of your consciousness, and the attitude of your action is a projection of your thoughts.
The reason we wish to discuss attitudes as an indicator of actions, rather than your thoughts, is […]

By |May 23rd, 2013|Physicality|1 Comment

Investment and Desire

We would like to offer some clarity over the seeming confusion between the art of uninvestment and humanity’s natural tendencies to have desires.

At first glance, it would seem they are oppositional attitudes and cannot successfully occupy the same mind simultaneously. The reality is that they can be co-existent and can greatly enhance the creative […]

By |May 8th, 2013|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

The Dings and Dents

The Dings and Dents of Daily Living
Life has been extolled as a beautiful, precious opportunity but it is not always easy.  Unfortunately, many of its difficulties are often inflicted unnecessarily and without thought. It is not always the direct assault of someone “gunning” for you that causes the greatest emotional and psychological damage but […]

By |April 26th, 2013|Enlightenment, Love, Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

Compass in Consciousness

As the reader is well aware, a compass is a device to help travelers know which direction they are heading or gives them the ability to choose the direction they wish to go. This is achieved by the triangulation between an agreed-upon stationary point, in this case magnetic north, your current position in relationship […]

By |March 27th, 2013|Physicality|0 Comments

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