Career and The Path of Your Soul

Most of humanity chooses a career to create an income and utilize their skills and abilities in a useful and beneficial way. The path of the soul is often misinterpreted as one’s career; yet, the two are not necessarily separate. The optimum hope is that one’s career is intertwined with the path of the […]

By |June 13th, 2018|Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

Light of the Soul

If your reality is experiencing lack, your internal reality is somehow strangulated from the flow. If your outside world is cluttered or compulsively clean, it is a reflection of an internal process.

Remember the light of the soul is like a projector that shines through the celluloid of your thoughts and projects onto the screen of your […]

By |April 1st, 2015|Consciousness, Soul|0 Comments

The Meaning of Your Life

Do not mistake the purpose and the meaning of your life. The purpose of your life is the outward actions you have chosen. The meaning of your life is the internalization of your own definition of yourself. That meaning has nothing to do with what goes on around you, your seeming successes or failures. Yet, […]

By |December 22nd, 2014|Awakening, Consciousness, Soul|0 Comments

Infinite Mind and Eternal Existence

Infinite Mind and Eternal Existence — these realities of your existence are not a future promise but a present state of your being. Though the human mind constricts comprehension of them, they are accessible and have both conscious and unconscious influences on your thoughts and behaviors.
Your infinite mind and eternal existence are aspects of […]

By |September 25th, 2013|Soul|0 Comments

Cosmic Community

Humanity is a communal being. Individuals thrive in the midst of others. Humanity innately desires for union with each other, be it in the marital relationship, the family, with those in their community, and perhaps even allegiance and alignment with their country.

When humanity unites for a common purpose, be it for the better or […]

By |August 2nd, 2013|Soul|0 Comments

Power of the Soul

Call upon your soul to emanate forth in all aspects of your life that you are in dominion and authority in all things. Project the dominion of your soul into those aspects of your life where you are, for where you are is the greatest facilitator on the path of the soul. When you […]

By |March 10th, 2013|Soul|0 Comments

The Task and Path of the Soul

We have addressed in past concepts the topic of the path and the task of the soul. We would like to continue our discussion to, perhaps, clarify and deepen your understanding of the importance of these aspects of your life.
We realize for many reading these words the idea of a soul path or a […]

By |January 28th, 2013|Soul|2 Comments

The Game of Life

We are aware that the very title of this concept may offend some. The idea that life can be equated to a game can be seen as diminishing its value and minimizing the human experience, a cheapening of its purpose. Nothing could be further from our intent.

Yet, let us look at how humanity views […]

By |October 3rd, 2012|Physicality, Soul|0 Comments

Dawn of the Soul

Dawn of the Soul, Visualization Exercise

Breathe deeply into your center, breathe into the core of your being and enkindle the fire of your soul.

Feel the fire within the solar plexus igniting your soul, invigorating your existence. Breathe in deeply allowing spirit to blow upon the coals of your soul and experience consciousness entering from […]

By |June 21st, 2012|Enlightenment, Soul|0 Comments

The Fork in The Road

There is a poem that speaks of a traveler coming upon a fork in the road and choosing the one less traveled—which made all the difference in his life. The takeaway is that the well-traveled road leads to a common, usual and familiar life, while the less-traveled road leads to an obviously more fulfilled life. Most […]

By |February 10th, 2012|Enlightenment, Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

The Umbilical Cord of Consciousness

An umbilical cord is the bridge between gestation and birth. It provides the necessary nutrients for the growth of a fetus into a fully developed organism ready for birth. Virtually every living thing has some sort of umbilical connection between its point of conception and its development in preparation for birth, even within an egg […]

By |November 30th, 2011|Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

The Harmonics of Convergence

Everything receives, produces, and emanates a vibratory frequency. Each unique vibratory frequency creates a specific manifestation in the physical plane of existence. This energetic cycle between the elements of creation produces the signature resonance of the “Ohm”. If you think of these vibratory frequencies as an orchestra playing a symphony, you would have an […]

By |August 23rd, 2011|All That Is, Soul|2 Comments

The Handmaiden

Is your soul the handmaiden to your physical expression?
Or is your physical expression the handmaiden to your soul?

A provocative question, one not to be answered lightly; for, your decision has a profound affect upon how you interact in your life, in your world, and in your spiritual existence.

What is a handmaiden? It was someone […]

By |May 13th, 2011|Soul|0 Comments

Evolution or Evolvement?

Philosophies fight between creationism and evolution. Sociologists banter back and forth about human development and psychologists certainly add to the mix. The simple truth of human existence is the emergence of the consciousness that created all things becoming physically manifest. The question of evolution or evolvement is neither a religious quandary nor a scientific […]

By |April 12th, 2011|Awakening, Soul, Spirituality|1 Comment

Cleansing the Palette of the Soul

We are sure that you are aware of the practice of cleansing the physical palette between courses of a sumptuous meal. What is the purpose and intent of this action? Would you not want to savor the delicacies long after they have been consumed? Yet when the palette is not cleansed, you cannot fully […]

By |April 6th, 2011|Soul, Spirituality|0 Comments

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