Yearly Archives: 2011

Destination Planet Earth

There have been many theories and philosophies about the purpose of human existence. Philosophy, psychology and numerous religions have sought to understand the human experience.
We would like to propose this analogy: incarnation is much like going on vacation.
You go on vacation to explore, relax, rejuvenate and expand your awareness of the world in which […]

By |December 19th, 2011|Enlightenment, Physicality|1 Comment

The Secrets of the Seen

In the consciousness of creation in which all things exist, all is accessible and known; for, every creation is born from the consciousness that created it. You are the only consciousness that has ever existed in your reality. If you have created it, you know it. The secrets are seen, the unknown becomes known, […]

By |December 11th, 2011|All That Is|2 Comments

Creativity vs. Creation

We often speak of humanity as creators and becoming increasingly aware of their participation in the creative force of the universe. With that increasing awareness, people have become aware of the responsibility to create well. Part of the ongoing “problem” is that humanity does not remain conscious in their creations, often mis-creating through lack […]

By |December 6th, 2011|Creation, Energy, Enlightenment, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

In Times of Tribulation

We understand your pain, your sorrow, your anguish, and your isolation, and we, the entirety of the Universe, kneel before you, lord and master of All That Is. We are one with you in acknowledgment of your ascent in Consciousness and beg you, beseech you, implore you, don’t give up. We pave the way […]

By |December 5th, 2011|All That Is, Spirituality|0 Comments

The Umbilical Cord of Consciousness

An umbilical cord is the bridge between gestation and birth. It provides the necessary nutrients for the growth of a fetus into a fully developed organism ready for birth. Virtually every living thing has some sort of umbilical connection between its point of conception and its development in preparation for birth, even within an egg […]

By |November 30th, 2011|Physicality, Soul|1 Comment

Convergence in Creation

Just as there are elemental properties to the your planetary structure—a periodic table that identifies the foundational elements of your physical world—the energetic elements of the universe can also be identified.
The universe sings the “Ohm” which is comprised of twenty-two distinct vibratory frequencies that create a resonance encompassing all of creation.
These twenty-two energies of […]

By |November 14th, 2011|Energy, Metaphysical|1 Comment

Convergence in Consciousness

The universe, as one grand instrument, plays a melody to which creation sings. This harmonic vibratory force resonates throughout all physical creation. It is amplified and focused when there is a convergence of consciousness—which occurs when more than one individual is in creative thought and harmony with the melody of the universe.
With the convergence, […]

By |November 12th, 2011|Consciousness, Universe|1 Comment

Dance of Creation

The creative forces of the universe are beyond humanity’s ability to comprehend yet not beyond their ability to appreciate. The inability to fully understand the complexities of the universe and its interaction with its individual parts is not a deficit; for, there is not a single sentient species anywhere throughout the universe that is […]

By |October 19th, 2011|Consciousness, Creation|0 Comments

Understanding the Consciousness of Existence

Existence is one of the three aspects of the consciousness of God. The curious part about the three aspects of divine consciousness—the creator, the created and the observer—is that they do not share a cause and effect relationship. No aspect of consciousness is the source of the other; yet, they are interdependent on each […]

By |October 15th, 2011|Consciousness, Creation|0 Comments

Emptying in Order to be Refilled

Many of your religious theologies and psychological approaches are predicated on the notion that you must become the blank tablet. The Buddhist would speak of non-investment; Christianity would speak of sacrifice. Theologically and philosophically this is an odd concoction of seemingly contradictory beliefs, and its subtle implication is that you are not good enough […]

By |October 5th, 2011|Spirituality|0 Comments

The Fingerprint

The fingerprint of consciousness in creation is held within the coding at the cellular level of your physical being. Scientists are well aware that they are just beginning to understand the potential and possibilities that this coding holds in understanding the interrelationship between the genes and DNA structure that creates your unique expression.
Scientists are […]

By |October 1st, 2011|Consciousness, Physicality|0 Comments

The Meaning and The Mechanism of Life

Scientists, philosophers, and physicians have sought to understand and define the complexities of the state of existence called life. In the sphere of the universe, life can neither be created nor destroyed. No human or species upon your planet or any other planet has ever created—or destroyed—life. You might argue about the reproductive processes […]

By |September 21st, 2011|Physicality, Spirituality|0 Comments

Interdependent vs Codependent

The term codependency is frequently bandied about. There are numerous groups centered around codependent behavior; whereas, interdependency is spoken of less often.

Interdependency is used by scientific and environmental groups to define the cohesiveness and network of support in creation. The term interdependency can also be of value in defining human interaction.
In fact, codependency is […]

By |September 7th, 2011|Enlightenment|0 Comments

The Harmonics of Convergence

Everything receives, produces, and emanates a vibratory frequency. Each unique vibratory frequency creates a specific manifestation in the physical plane of existence. This energetic cycle between the elements of creation produces the signature resonance of the “Ohm”. If you think of these vibratory frequencies as an orchestra playing a symphony, you would have an […]

By |August 23rd, 2011|All That Is, Soul|2 Comments

The Undeniable Fact

Throughout human history, what has been deemed as fact has often been shown to be fiction; and what has been thought of as fiction has been found to be fact. In a universe too immense to comprehend and a reality that is always shifting, unquestionable facts become rare, indeed.

As a result, humanity finds it […]

By |August 12th, 2011|Enlightenment|0 Comments

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