
One in the Oneness

Ship of Change
As most would agree, be it philosopher, theologian or politician, humanity is in a transitional state. The old archetypal structures that were the foundation of human government, religion and finance are being undermined by a swift and steady current of change. Volatility and vulnerability roams the planet like a roaring lion looking for someone […]

By |October 23rd, 2013|Ascension, Awakening|0 Comments

The Fourth Dimension

The fourth dimension realm of existence need not be a mystery, and it certainly is not an illusion. In fact, you reside in all dimensions and all aspects of those dimensions. You are, on some level of your being, consciously aware of your multi-level, multi-dimensional existence. Each dimension of yourself is interacting, growing and […]

By |October 19th, 2013|Awakening, Metaphysical|0 Comments

Intent and Intention

Intent is the elixir of life that lessens the bonds of hardship and anxiety.

Intent is a powerful force of focus. A defining line. That is how God draws straight with crooked lines.

How you control energy is by intent–and that takes no effort at all.

Intention lightens the load. It is the helium of spirit that […]

By |August 12th, 2013|Awakening, Empowerment|0 Comments

The Four Races

At the beginning of this cycle of time, long ago, the Great Spirit came down and He made an appearance and gathered the peoples of this earth together “they say on an island which is now beneath the water” and He said to the human beings, “I’m going to send you to four directions […]

By |July 28th, 2013|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments

Returning to the Source

As we have been discussing, the universe from the moment of its conception has been in the process of returning to the source of its existence. The possibilities and the potentials brought forth at the moment of existence expands into creation only to return to the one that created it.

All is well and good, […]

By |March 18th, 2013|All That Is, Awakening|0 Comments

Just Because It Is In Your Mind Doesn’t Mean It Isn’t True

What is the source of human experience? Is it reality or thought? Humanity generally sees reality as something “outside” itself while thought is privy to the inner sanctums of the mind. The relationship between reality and thoughts is for most part nonexistent or, at best, hazy.

The question at hand is, is there an uncrossable chasm between […]

By |February 4th, 2013|Awakening|0 Comments

Riding the Cusp

Self-realization and self-awareness are indeed valuable attributes in understanding one’s motives, observing one’s actions, and acknowledging one’s thought processes. You are in a new energetic phase. Humanity is in a phase that is exaggerating all actions, activities, thoughts and emotions. This energetic flux in a dimensional shift becomes apparent as humanity rides the remaining […]

By |December 2nd, 2012|Awakening|0 Comments

Message of Mastery

 The master is one who not only points the way but walks the path.
The master does not define the destiny to be reached but rather shows the means for individuals to reach their own destiny.
The master is an expression, a reflection of consciousness itself. Consciousness’ power is in those who behold it; for, consciousness […]

By |September 26th, 2012|Awakening, Empowerment|0 Comments

The Frontier of a New Reality

In the conscious collection of existence, there is an emergence of realities being created by the consciousness of those who hold the thoughts. The proverbial veil—that invisible barrier that has seemed to separate and imprison humanity from experiencing full conscious awareness and spiritual truth—is very thin and is collapsing in the light of a […]

By |July 17th, 2012|Awakening|0 Comments

Infinite Expansion of Consciousness

In the infinite expansion of consciousness, the spiritual pilgrim becomes increasingly aware that the path to enlightenment is not a destination or a goal to be obtained but an evolutionary process to participate in. Nothing in the universe is static, not even consciousness itself. All is dynamic and ever-evolving and changing.
Creation is the celebration […]

By |June 28th, 2012|Awakening, Enlightenment|0 Comments

Chance or Fate?

This question has haunted humanity since the beginning of time. It is certainly understood that physical existence is littered with the possibility and potential for calamity and tragedy. When a catastrophe strikes, an accident maims or kills, a natural disaster takes the lives of many, one questions if it was the “luck of the […]

By |July 13th, 2011|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments

Turn Around

Perspective and the point of observation are extremely important in one’s cognitive ability to comprehend what is being observed. Humanity, in its pursuit of spiritual truths, is often amiss in their point of observation.

In the past, we have used the analogy that any destination is but a short distance away, as well as being […]

By |July 1st, 2011|Awakening, Spirituality|4 Comments

Evolution or Evolvement?

Philosophies fight between creationism and evolution. Sociologists banter back and forth about human development and psychologists certainly add to the mix. The simple truth of human existence is the emergence of the consciousness that created all things becoming physically manifest. The question of evolution or evolvement is neither a religious quandary nor a scientific […]

By |April 12th, 2011|Awakening, Soul, Spirituality|1 Comment

The Internet

The internet, not only in the third dimension, but also in the fourth dimension has had a profound effect on the consciousness and communion of humankind. It is emerging, the first glimmer of light over the eastern horizon shedding the light of a new day on the consciousness of humanity. When there is an […]

By |January 19th, 2011|Awakening, Metaphysical|0 Comments

Shifting Signs

We would wish to comment on the recent developments regarding the astrological houses and the positional shift within your yearly calendar. Nothing in the universe is stagnant nor should it be. It is evidence that the clockwork of the universe is constantly in motion and shifting. This discovery is a small indicator of the […]

By |January 18th, 2011|Awakening, Universe|0 Comments

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