Sea of Existence

Humanity, as an individualized expression of the consciousness of the whole of creation, has misinterpreted its individuality as an alienation from the totality of All That Is. Individuality, in the spirit in which it was created, was never intended to be a source of separation. Feelings of alienation and separation occur when one loses […]

By |June 8th, 2011|Enlightenment, Universe|0 Comments

Prelude to Paradise

Humanity has the opportunity to look at its creations that deplete the environment, threaten the environment, or simply ignore the effects of the world industrial complex on the eco-structure.
As we’ve discussed in the past, the true understanding of the “tribulation” is not when humanity rebels against itself—but the earth rebels against humanity.
Just as in […]

By |March 22nd, 2011|Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

Riddles to Reason

The universe is full of questions and answers. The exploration of existence and the presence of a divinity lead one to explore the outer horizons of the ability to reason. A riddle is seen as an intentional and purposeful clue to be explored in order to uncover a truth being sought. Reason is the […]

By |March 8th, 2011|Enlightenment, Universe|0 Comments

Shifting Signs

We would wish to comment on the recent developments regarding the astrological houses and the positional shift within your yearly calendar. Nothing in the universe is stagnant nor should it be. It is evidence that the clockwork of the universe is constantly in motion and shifting. This discovery is a small indicator of the […]

By |January 18th, 2011|Awakening, Universe|0 Comments

Calendar of Creation

Humanity has misunderstood its origins and the purpose of their existence. Yet, this is not a fault or  failing of the human species but rather its challenge willingly accepted in the pursuit of bringing all physicality, all physical creation, into the conscious awareness of the creative force and source of their existence. You upon […]

By |December 22nd, 2010|Awakening, Creation, Universe|2 Comments

Existence: The Mirror of Consciousness

The universe is a dance of interaction and assistance. One grand organism. Universal Consciousness is not some abstract concept; it is real and vibrant. For where there is existence there is Consciousness, and where there is Consciousness there must be existence. This is a difficult concept that we are about to give, for when […]

By |September 28th, 2010|Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|1 Comment

The Coming of Age

The Coming of Age of humanity’s evolution into the conscious awareness of their origins and destiny is quickly approaching. Throughout history the prophecies have indicated virtually catastrophic events to mark these shifts in consciousness. Divinity and consciousness have never been and never will be heralded by disaster, chaos, confusion or calamity. It is the human […]

By |September 22nd, 2010|Ascension, Energy, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|1 Comment

Seasons of the Universe

With the emergence of the changing of the age, it is valuable to understand that the “boundaries and horizons” between the dimensions is thinning or, perhaps a better analogy, evaporating.

As we have indicated in past discussions on this topic, the process that humanity is in and the events that are about to occur are […]

By |September 21st, 2010|Awakening, Empowerment, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

The Continuity of Creation

From the fires of inspiration and the chaos of conceptualization, all the universes of all dimensions were created. Creation is eternal and infinite and not isolated to one time or place. It is an energetic dance of dynamic forces in a perfect cycle of chaos. Creation cannot be fully comprehended and is ever evolving. […]

By |February 25th, 2010|Creation, Energy, Universe|0 Comments


Let us discuss the concept of individuality. It would only take a cursory glance at the universe, its individual stars, or your world with a meadow filled with individual flowers to quickly understand that the concept of individuality is not an aberrant concept to be avoided or extinguished from the creation. Individuality is the […]

By |February 1st, 2010|Awakening, Spirituality, Universe|1 Comment

A Fish Out of Water

Humanity is like a fish out of water or a bird that is unaware of the air when it comes to the awareness of Spirit in the Universe. When the bird understands the dynamics of air, and the fish the properties of water, they are able to maneuver in their environment and excel. Humanity on the […]

By |December 27th, 2009|All That Is, Metaphysical, Spirituality, Universe|0 Comments

The Universe and All That Is

Let us speak of the universe.

Often the universe is referred to in general conversation, particularly by those of newer thought. It is spoken of as an entity. It is spoken of as a parallel name for God. The word is volleyed around. It is utilized in varying contexts.
What is the correlation of All That […]

By |June 8th, 2009|All That Is, Creation, Universe|0 Comments

Eternal Growth

Eternal Growth – Infinite Understanding
Throughout our dialogue with you, we have spoken to you of All That Is. Our question to you: Is All That Is a quantitative amount? Is it potentiality? Does it change? Can it change? Should it change? Is All That Is a stable or unchangeable force or is it fluid […]

By |April 15th, 2009|All That Is, Universe|0 Comments

One liners from the One Mind

Let all the good things you do and all the good things that will come your way be an expression of the meaning of your life, not the source of it.

Physicality is the outward expression of consciousness. Everything you physically experience is born of the internal awareness.

Remember in all these conversations, we are sharing […]

By |February 10th, 2009|All That Is, The One Mind, Universe|0 Comments

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