Yearly Archives: 2014

Individuality and Separateness

In contemporary terms, you have heard it said, “No man is an island,” or that ” The loneliest number is the number one.” In the vast sea of consciousness there is an island called separateness which can be the loneliest of all places in the universe. Isolation created by an illusion that one is […]

By |September 14th, 2014|Consciousness|0 Comments

The Void

As we have stated in an earlier concept, creation is an ongoing, ever-evolving process–ordered in its laws yet unpredictable and ever evolving in its outcome. There are many universes and many alternatives of those universes. We have expressed that both the creation and the creator are equal. That it is an honored state to […]

By |September 8th, 2014|Enlightenment, Physicality|0 Comments

Divine Intervention

Throughout our teachings, we have spoken to you of the power of your thought, the positive nature of forgiving yourselves and others. The victorious strains of surrender that frees you from the bonds and the chains created from the negative ego consciousness. You are truly the masters of your own destiny and ultimately responsible […]

By |September 2nd, 2014|All That Is, Consciousness|0 Comments

Surviving or Living?

In life, one often loses sight if they are merely surviving or are they living? As distinct as those two concepts would seem, there are subtleties that allow individuals to be lulled into a passive state of surviving rather than an active state of living. Just because one breathes does not mean they are […]

By |August 18th, 2014|Enlightenment, Physicality|1 Comment

Signs and Symbols

Within physical creation there is a shadow image of eternal existence–from the framework of the universe to the intricacies of an atom and from the DNA chain to the spiraling nebula. These are a reflection of the one who created them. These are an indicator of the aspects of consciousness. Just as the artist […]

By |August 10th, 2014|Enlightenment, Universe|0 Comments

The Ebbs and Flows

The ebbs and flows of life, nature and creation are evident. There are peaks of activity and times of rest; there are moments of growth and times of breaking down. This cycle of creation and re-creation is an aspect of existence that permeates all universes and dimensions. It is the heartbeat of the creator […]

By |August 1st, 2014|Enlightenment, Spirituality|0 Comments

An Invitation to Yourselves

You do not define your life by a day; do not define your existence by a life. Your life is one note in a great symphony playing in perfect harmony with the One Mind and One Thought. We wish for you to unhinge yourself from this life experience in order that you can comprehend […]

By |July 24th, 2014|Enlightenment, Metaphysical|0 Comments

Thoughts On A Nurturing World

The earth has every gift of the oneness of All That Is; no level of Consciousness is less than the other or limited. Physicality shares in the consciousness of All That Is. It could not be anything less than eternal and infinite.
Go and look with the eyes of the oneness of All That Is. […]

By |July 13th, 2014|Awakening, Physicality|0 Comments

Always Present

It is difficult in a temporal world to comprehend the concept of eternity. It is as difficult to comprehend infinity in a finite existence.
Yet the reality of your existence is that you are always present in all time and space.
Even the event of a physical death does not diminish your presence or the presence […]

By |July 6th, 2014|Awakening, Enlightenment|0 Comments

Countdown to Evolution

Even in your holy writings it speaks of the labor pains of the birthing of the “Christ” consciousness, yet when the mother beholds the child, her pain is forgotten by the realization that a life has been brought into the world. Your spiritual awareness and your intellectual psyche are fully aware that you are […]

By |July 2nd, 2014|Awakening, Enlightenment|0 Comments

Simple Circles, Sacred Cycle

As we have indicated in the past, the symbol of the fourth dimension, the spiritual realms, is that of the circle. The circle is encompassing; all points upon its edge are equal to the center. When three-dimensionalized, the circle becomes a sphere, similar to that of the planet on which you dwell. Even the […]

By |June 26th, 2014|Universe|0 Comments

Times of Great Power

These times are times of great power and volatility. More than ever before one has a responsibility to keep their focus towards their desired goals and ends. That is not something to be afraid of; yet, something to be aware of in order that you might more fully participate and be responsible for your […]

By |June 19th, 2014|Empowerment, Energy|0 Comments

The Perfect Present Moment

You have heard stated numerous times that all that exists is the now. That all power resides in the now. There are philosophies and even treatments that utilize this truth for both the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the participant. Yet the perfect present moment can seem illusive and unattainable when the fears […]

By |June 10th, 2014|Consciousness, Physicality, Universe|2 Comments

Through the Thinning Veil

The veil of human consciousness which shrouds the reality and the truth of existence is self imposed by humanity’s forgetfulness. It is a temporary delineation between Knowingness and Unknowingness, Awareness and Unawareness. It is not a boundary created intentionally or as some religious beliefs explain as humanity’s fall from grace; rather it is the […]

By |June 3rd, 2014|Awakening|0 Comments

A Candle in the Darkness

The reason individuals do not know what will occur in their lives is not only would knowing steal the opportunity for the learning but the ego consciousness would make choices based upon the future rather than the present moment. As you know the future is created in the present moment; so, act as if […]

By |May 30th, 2014|All That Is, Physicality|1 Comment

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