Convergence of Consciousness

Convergence of Consciousness, Elements of Creation
The convergence of consciousness is the point at which creation occurs. It is the meeting point of the necessary elements to conceive a new creation. One such point was at the creation of your universe, a moment in a place beyond existence where the convergence of self-awareness and desire merged.
The convergence of consciousness occurs within.
Existence is the outward expression of an internal dynamic. All the universe is an outward expression of an internal consciousness. Whose consciousness was it? Where did it come from? Was it God? Was it a fluke in the cosmic energies of creation? Was it you?

It is nearly impossible for humanity to perceive something outside of existence. It’s incomprehendable and can be likened to humanity’s evolutionary process of understanding the universe, believing it revolved around the earth or the planet was flat.
The internal expression of creation is consciousness, in the external […]

The Web of Conscious Awareness

Consciousness is an interactive web of communication between all of its elements. It has been likened to a spider web, and appropriately so; for, like the spider web, any movement within it is felt throughout its entirety. All consciousness is connected and affects all of its individual parts to some degree. Admittedly, those to whom you are more energetically or emotionally connected will have a more obvious influence—but you are affected by all.
“What is that influence?’ and “How is it experienced and transmitted?”
First, what is the influence? We will say this: it is in direct proportion to the energetic resonance of consciousness being transmitted by you. You have experienced this unspoken influence, be it to a loved one’s need or a national cause. How did you know your loved one was in need or why is the time now ripe for social change? Be it two, a few, or […]

Pending Shift in Consciousness

The pending shift in consciousness is defined by the ever-increasing awareness of the oneness of All That Is–and as a result the demise of the negative ego consciousness. The negative ego consciousness is that self identification that sees one’s individual expression in conflict and competition with the other aspects of creation. The negative ego consciousness sees its environment and the individuals within it as a threat. The negative ego consciousness is born from the belief of vulnerability and powerlessness in the environment in which one lives.
The dichotomy of this current phase of existence, where the ever-increasing awareness of the Oneness of All That Is with its support and assistance to each aspect of creation, is its hallmark.
On the other hand, the turbulent upheavals in finance, society, government and health created by the disintegration of the old paradigms of social interaction confront this new belief. These upheavals create fertile ground for […]

Ohm, The Song the Universe Sings

The universe has a voice, an audible expression of its existence. It is a voice made up of all its parts creating a resonant sound that vibrates in harmony with All That Is. For the scientist, when this audible vibration is detected they might defer it to the sound energy makes when being transmitted, much like an electrical hum one hears as current passes through the transformer.
The voice of the universe is a song that all sing, known or unknown to themselves. It is detectable yet takes some effort to perceive. Just as there are light frequencies, such as infrared and ultraviolet, that is beyond the optical capabilities of humanity, the same is true for the resonant vibrations of the universe.

To hear the song of All That Is, one must hear not with the ears but with the mind and the soul.
The great Ohm is the voice of All […]