The following is an excerpt from Paradise, The Prime Real Estate of Consciousness.

Paradise_white_500x630The prime real estate of consciousness is paradise. Unlike the financial arrangements on the physical plane of existence, this locale cannot be purchased with money.

Firstly, what makes a prime location in your community? One that is situated close to necessary services, good schools, safe neighborhood, and with all of its attributes contributing to a peaceful, secure and happy living environment. The same is true with consciousness’ prime real estate called paradise. It is convenient and close to the necessary services you desire to lead a secure, peaceful and happy existence.

Secondly, with what currency do you purchase this desired plot of existence? We will say this: it cannot be bargained for, it cannot be borrowed against and, yes, it cannot even be inherited. You cannot earn it, you cannot learn it, but you can simply accept it by the currency of your thoughts.

Thought is much like your currency and can be used to purchase things desired and, perhaps sometimes, things that are not beneficial. It would do humanity well to understand that thoughts are the currency of their creation. Unlike human finance that can be limited and controlled, you,have an infinite supply of thoughts to spend on purchasing your reality. Yes, it is true, that you can give away your freedom of thought and limit your ability to purchase what you desire, yet that is a conscious choice and one that can be changed.

The illusion by those who wish to control your thoughts is that they can affect your reality that, in truth, cannot be done. You may give away your thoughts to another to control, but you can never give away your reality, and the thought of giving away your freedom purchases you a reality of slavery, dominion and defeat.

So you have looked through the multiple listing of possible realities in which to reside, and if you choose the prime locale of paradise, what thoughts do you need in order to purchase it? We do say, if you choose, because there are many of humanity who choose less than desirable locales in which to live out their lives.

At this point, it is worth reminding you that no one is trapped and all have the possibility and potential to create paradise in their lives, even in the most desperate and dire of circumstance. We are not being
naïve, in fact, quite the opposite. If that promise were not truth, humanity, indeed, would be in dire straits. You always have the purchasing power to live in paradise.

So, what resources do you need to sign on the “dotted line” and commit yourself to the purchase of paradise? Quickly we are sure your mind goes to a myriad of spiritual concepts, such as being loving, kind, caring, introspective, meditative and self-empowering, to name a few. Indeed, these are valuable behaviors and attitudes but they do not possess the purchasing power to reside in paradise. They are rather, the evidence that you are living there.

We would dare say if paradise is the prime locale of consciousness it would take a prime thought to purchase it. Prime realty in your community is bought with many dollars. In the spiritual realms where
quantity is of no importance since you have an infinite supply of thoughts, it must fall upon the value of the thoughts being expended. As a result, thoughts determine the address of your reality.

So what is the address of paradise? To what locale are you moving? The greatest thought, the most valued truth is the I AM. Perhaps this can seem a little befuddling for those who are invested in processes and promises, labor and endeavors to accomplish a desired goal, but in reality, the thought to purchase paradise is I AM. It is the biggest denomination of the currency of thought, and whatever is said or thought after that statement manifests into your reality.

Now this precious currency has often been misspent due to misinstruction, misunderstanding and untruth. Yet this fact does not diminish the reality that it is the only thought available to humanity that can purchase paradise.

There is the key—the contract and the currency to live in paradise


I choose the prime locale of paradise in my life.

So what is the address of paradise? I AM… is the only thought available to humanity that can purchase paradise.
Create an address for your paradise, not with numbers but with a thought each preceded with  I AM__________. Your address can be as long or as short as you wish but remember the address you choose is the address where you will live.

The prime real estate of consciousness is paradise. It is convenient and close to the necessary services you desire to lead a secure, peaceful and happy existence.
What are the services convenient in the neighborhood of your paradise and what do they provide you.
— What do your answers tell you about what is important in your life?

You cannot earn paradise, you cannot learn it, but you can simply accept it by the currency of your thoughts.
— To purchase the prime locale of paradise, what denominations of thoughts do you need to purchase it?

Yes, it is true, that you can give away your freedom of thought and limits your ability to purchase what you desire, yet that is a conscious choice and one that can be changed.
Detail some of your experiences where you have given away your freedom of thought.
— What did you hope to achieve?
— Did you?
— Why or why not?
— Did you regain your freedom in any of the experiences?
— How?
— What was the result?