The complexities of consciousness are a unique combination of the three necessary elements of creation: the source, the observer and the manifestation. The I AM of your being is the definition of that unique creative force; for, it is only in the awareness of self-identification that you can fully be expressive as conscious creators. That is why it has been said that to deny oneself or to lack in self-love is a direct affront and rejection of God; for, you cannot say you love God, call upon the divine or deem it holy if you despise, deny or reject your own expression of existence.
The creative force of All That Is never waivers in its compassion or its willingness to be of assistance. The imagined distance between you and the creator is in direct proportion to your lack of self-acceptance. To find oneself is to find God; to accept oneself is to experience divinity; for, therein lies the only pathway to paradise. Paradise is born from a self-emanating force reflecting the truth of your being. Just as your reality reflects your thoughts in consciousness, paradise is a reflection that you have accepted yourself, fully and completely, as the divine being you are.
I learned to love myself when I quit smoking and every temptation was a moment of choice…reclaiming power I had given away in a vain effort to mollify others. Now I stand up for myself and teach others to do the same.
Pam Young, Author
A very worthy endeavor.