The following is an excerpt from The Seven Gifts of Consciousness, The Bounty of the Universe.
In this mini-book, we explore the intrinsic nature of consciousness in your life. Many religions have a list of attributes to be possessed and behaviors to be attained—gifts of spirit and acts of mercy—to mention just a few. Whatever the basis of your spiritual belief, there is a behavioral set of standards to be obtained. Reaching the standards in your life is generally accepted as an indicator that you are on the spiritual path of attainment.
There is truth to this belief that there are certain hallmarks of behavior that indicate spiritual grace. We would adjust that belief slightly by stating that the spiritual nature of consciousness expressed in physical form is not something so much to be attained—but accepted.
In this mini-book, we will discuss the seven gifts of cosmic consciousness, the nature of consciousness expressed in physical form. They are not so much goals to be reached but tools to be accepted in order to be conscious creators of your reality and in alignment with the creative force of All That Is.
Cosmic consciousness is said to be the personality of God. The seven gifts are the attributes of that personality expressed upon creation. When you speak of someone’s personality, you are defining behaviors and attitudes of that person’s actions and attitudes to their world, their community and perhaps, yourself. Your response to a personality is its effect upon you.
The same is true of the seven gifts of consciousness. The personality of the creator permeates all existence, and the seven gifts of cosmic consciousness is your response to that personality. How do you respond to the cosmic consciousness of love, creation, light, oneness and energy? That is the question at hand and the exploration in this mini-book. The journey, when understood, takes you to the pinnacle of consciousness and the paradise of your creation. The acceptance of these seven gifts of cosmic consciousness leads to a life of wonderment, ease, balance, wisdom, growth, assistance and awareness.
The seven gifts of cosmic consciousness are the manner by which you accept and respond to the journey of conscious creation. It is a journey, when understood, that takes you to the pinnacle of consciousness and the paradise of your creation.
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