A Course in Understanding Universal Energy

Energy — The Basics

Energy according to Webster is:

“force of expression, inherent power, capacity for action”

(Ever wonder if Webster was Metaphysical)


1. Everything is energy.

2. Every vibration is the result of an energy.

3. Every energy vibration has consciousness.


Universal Energy1. Energy is present, eternal and cannot be destroyed.

2. Energy attracts like energy.

3. Energy cannot be created, only changed.

4. Energy is able to maintain, sustain and replicate itself.

5. Energy is intelligent.



1. Level one – Consciousness of Utilization

a. Consciousness of Utilization is in all that exists.

b. Utilization is passive.

2. Level two – Consciousness of Identification

a. Consciousness of Identification is in all living organisms.

b. Identification is active.

c. Characteristics and attributes

i. Translation – the ability to add or incorporate energy.

ii. Transformation – the ability to affect other energy.

iii. Transmutation – the ability to change itself.

3. Level 3 Consciousness of Definition

a. Consciousness of Definition is an uniquely human attribute.

b. Definition is the ability to create vibrational combinations.