The following is an excerpt from The Seven Gifts of Consciousness, The Bounty of the Universe.

The Seven Gifts of ConsciousnessWe have spoken of the creation of paradise by the power of thought. The fruit of the garden you seek is found in the gifts of conscious creation. The cosmic gifts given to the physical plane of existence are the fertile grounds upon which the garden is built.

The purpose of these gifts is the means by which to create a physical expression of the consciousness in which you reside. For when you express these gifts, you bring into your existence the consciousness that created them.

Of all the possibilities, of all the thoughts contained in an infinite mind, these gifts were chosen by the consciousness in which you reside that they would be the frankincense, myrrh and gold given to the child born with promise for this planet.  Use them wisely, give them freely; for, they are an infinite and eternal gift given to you.

I choose to express the cosmic gifts of consciousness by using them wisely and giving them freely to myself, my world and my creator.

– Revisit the activity in Chapter Nine and create your garden by planting the seeds of wonderment, ease, balance, wisdom, growth, assistance and awareness.
— Come up with plan of action to accept, utilize and give these gifts.

– The fruit of the garden you seek is found in the gifts of conscious creation.
— Take the seven cosmic gifts and describe what you believe the fruit of each would be when planted in the fertile ground of your life.(Wonderment, ease, balance, wisdom, growth, assistance and awareness.)