The following is from Chapter 5, Convergence of Consciousness, the Harmonics of Creation.
All creation is the result of the convergence of consciousness. Everything that exists has an energetic signature and a degree of conscious expression. The convergence of energy is the mechanism by which creation expresses. It is the pen in the creator’s hand. It is the ink upon the page of existence.
Convergence is the primary expression of consciousness in existence. Convergence creates. Without the interaction and joining of the elemental aspects of energy, physical expression, you would not exist. You, like the creator before you, are the artist of your reality, and the elements of consciousness are like the paint upon the master’s palette, waiting to be expressed upon the canvas of existence.
In many ways, the expression of consciousness into creation is not much different than any artistic endeavor. To be a masterful creator is to understand the mediums available to you and the tools you have to express. The artist has their paints, the musician their notes, each utilize their specific tools in creating their masterpiece. The same is true for the creator itself, and the same is true for you.
The convergence of creation into physical expression is not an arbitrary, evolutionary process but rather a purposeful, intentional step towards an intentional goal. If that is the case, what was the motivation of the creator to manifest creation? What is your motivation to exist? All creation exists for the sole purpose of self-expression. As the universe expresses the attributes of the one who created it, your existence expresses the attributes you wish to embody.
Convergence of consciousness in creation is the source of all freewill. Everything expressed, everything created holds the elemental properties of the source of its existence. It must, it cannot be otherwise. Therefore, if the purpose of the convergence of consciousness in creation is for self-expression and the elements of creation contain the one who created it—all existence is a manifestation of God.
The convergence of consciousness in creation is the handwriting of the creator upon the “Declaration of Existence” upon the pages of creation. And you, as an expression of that consciousness, are endowed with the same rights and privileges as an heir to the inheritance of the creative force of All That Is. Place your pen upon the page of your existence, and write your story well upon the consciousness of All That Is.
I am the masterful artist of my reality creating what I desire and intend.
You, like the creator before you, are the artist of your reality and the elements of consciousness are like the paint upon the master’s palette, waiting to be expressed upon the canvas of existence.
To be a masterful creator is to understand the mediums available to you and the tools you have to express.
— Invistigate, identify and list the mediums available and the tools you have available to express your creation upon the canvas of your existence.
— Explore their possibilities, become proficient in there use.
— Apply them in your daily life.
— Develop a plan of application that expresses the larger image which you wish to convey to your world.
Be the artist of your reality
— What do you desire to create?
What are the “colors“ of consciousness you wish to express upon the canvas of existence.
— List them.
— Describe their attributes and what they contribute to the reality you wish to create.
Convergence is the primary expression of consciousness in existence. Convergence creates.
— What does this statement personally mean to you in light of the above concept?
Everything that exists has an energetic signature and a degree of conscious expression.
— Describe in detail what you believe is your energetic signature and its degree of consciousness.
— What is your motivation to exist?
All creation exists for the sole purpose of self-expression.
— Personally speak to this concept in your life.
— Place your pen upon the page of your existence and write your story well upon the consciousness of All That Is.
— Write your “Declaration of Existence”
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