The following is an excerpt from Cosmic Consciousness, The Personality of God Upon Creation.

Cosmic Consciousness, The Personality of God Upon CreationThe universal elements of interrelationship and interdependency expressed in all of creation are a vital part of the oneness of All That Is. It is the glue that holds the individual expressions of consciousness together in one unified physical expression.

Interrelationship and interdependency have nothing to do with either subservience or dependence. They are active rather than passive, meaning to be interdependent and have interrelationships is to be of assistance to the aspects of creation that you encounter and the whole you participate in.

Dependency and subservience are a passive state based on the belief of inadequacy or need; whereas, the dynamic of interrelationship and interdependency is that each element acknowledges and expresses its unique contribution to the whole.

The oneness of All That Is expresses that self-acceptance of all its individual parts. All of creation has a responsibility to participate in existence and assist those encountered. Your scriptures speak of “the body of Christ,” and other religious philosophies have similar symbolism. The analogy of the body is an excellent example of interrelationship and interdependency as expressed on a universal scale.

Each organ functions in an interdependent way with the other organs of the body. One is not of greater importance than another–each necessary for physical expression. The same is true in the universal body of creation, each element offering a unique function yet interdependent with all other aspects to maintain the whole. This interdependence is the web that creates the energetic network between all elements of creation.

That is why you are called upon to honor all that exists; for, to deny any part of creation is to inflict injury upon yourself. It would be foolhardy for the stomach to stop feeding the body or the heart to stop pumping the blood. To fully be participatory in this web of existence, it is necessary for you to determine what your function is, be it as an individual in your community, an organism on your planet or a consciousness in your universe.

Without your unique expression of cosmic consciousness, creation could not exist.


I am willing to honor myself and the greater whole by participating in existence and assisting all who I encounter.

In the universal body of creation, each element offers a unique function yet interdependent with all other aspects to maintain the whole. This interdependence is the web that creates the energetic network between all elements of creation.
— Create a diagram of what you understand the energetic web of interdependence between the aspects of creation to be. Be creative and enjoy.

— What was your definition interrelationship before reading this concept?
— What was your definition of interdependency before reading this concept?
— Has it changed after reading this concept?
—  If so, how and why?

Discuss the similarities and differences between dependency and interdependency.
— Include examples in your own life where you have exhibited both.

To be fully participatory in this web of existence, it is necessary for you to determine what your function is, be it as an individual in your community, an organism on your planet or a consciousness in your universe.
— What is your contribution to the dynamic interrelationship and interdependency of the whole?

All of creation has a responsibility to participate in existence and assist those encountered.
— Do you agree with this statement?
— Why or Why not?

If so, how can you participate in existence and assist those encountered?
— Is this the same as your contribution to the dynamic interrelationship and interdependency of the whole?
— Why or Why not?