A Course in Understanding Universal Energy
Energy — The Basics
Energy according to Webster is:

“force of expression, inherent power, capacity for action”

(Ever wonder if Webster was Metaphysical)

1. Everything is energy.

2. Every vibration is the result of an energy.

3. Every energy vibration has consciousness.

1. Energy is present, eternal and cannot be destroyed.

2. Energy attracts like energy.

3. Energy cannot be created, only changed.

4. Energy is able to maintain, sustain and replicate itself.

5. Energy is intelligent.

1. Level one – Consciousness of Utilization

a. Consciousness of Utilization is in all that exists.

b. Utilization is passive.

2. Level two – Consciousness of Identification

a. Consciousness of Identification is in all living organisms.

b. Identification is active.

c. Characteristics and attributes

i. Translation – the ability to add or incorporate energy.

ii. Transformation – the ability to affect other energy.

iii. Transmutation – the ability to change itself.

3. Level 3 Consciousness of Definition

a. Consciousness of Definition is an uniquely human attribute.

b. Definition is the ability […]


A Course in Understanding Universal Energy
Energy is the foundation of all that exists. Every physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspect of every dimension is energy. Energy is the life force of the creator that pulses through creation. Everything, be it physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual, is an identifiable vibration of energy. There is an energy that is the identifying signature of a granite rock. Marble would be within the same vibratory field, but in different vibration. We could use the example of the varying hues of red. Energy is eternal and cannot be destroyed. All the energy that ever was, all the energy that will ever be is the same. It can be changed but not destroyed.

The most simplistic definition of life is when an energy has the ability to transform its own energy or other energies. It is active rather than passive. A rock cannot change itself, it […]

On the Brink of Conscious Awareness

The evolutionary process of humanity is on the brink of conscious awareness.
The human adventure is about to culminate in a dramatic shift that will forever affect human perception and energetically transform  existence.

Just as days evolve into months and then years, an individual’s growth can be marked by the passage of time. The same is true in humanity’s maturation into a new species of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. Just as each stage of a child’s development into adulthood is important and to be honored, appreciated and respected, each stage in its time is to be released in order to move on to the next phase of growth—and spiritual growth mirrors this process.

Humanity is now at such a juncture and is being called upon to relinquish the present moment in order to accept a future reality. Honor this phase of human development for both challenges given and learning gained. Honor the […]


As you go about your daily activities, you tend to become caught up in the mundane and routine, often never stepping aside to either look at your life or pausing to become introspective. Unfortunately, this is a common occurrence that steals your awareness of the deeper dimensional experiences you are having. Life becomes, let’s say, like a two-dimensional image rather than a three-dimensional experience. Live engaged in your world, be a participant rather than an observer and don’t let familiarity and routine make you numb to your world.  To do so is to lose awareness of the transcendence of your world around you.
Transcendence is a state of being. It is the natural state of existence and a promise that all dimensions are interactive, interconnected and accessible to each other.
Therefore, transcendence is not an escape from the physical world but transcends the physical plane of existence to see and experience it […]