Personality of God

The following is an excerpt from The Seven Gifts of Consciousness, The Bounty of the Universe.

In this mini-book, we explore the intrinsic nature of consciousness in your life. Many religions have a list of attributes to be possessed and behaviors to be attained—gifts of spirit and acts of mercy—to mention just a few. Whatever […]


What separates the thought from the manifestation is simply integration.
As we have spoken, you are not driven by your reality but by what is projected by your mind into your reality.

Your condemnation of others is simply judgement of yourself and the fear of your shortcomings. Be confident in yourself, focused on yourself.

The bite of […]

Energetic Cycles of Life

Just as the waxing and waning cycles of the moon affect the energetic inclinations of the inhabitants of the planet, so does the energetic cycles of life and the seasons across its hemispheres. The greater the amount of light, the more conducive the time is for growth and expansion. Even the animals mate in […]

Interrelationship and Interdependency

The following is an excerpt from Cosmic Consciousness, The Personality of God Upon Creation.

The universal elements of interrelationship and interdependency expressed in all of creation are a vital part of the oneness of All That Is. It is the glue that holds the individual expressions of consciousness together in one unified physical expression.

Interrelationship and interdependency […]


When you give in true service, unconditionally, without expectation, it always serves for the highest good, though you may not be aware at that time, or ever, of the positive affects your assistance has had. Therefore, the question at hand is how do you nurture and fulfill yourself in the process of giving when you may not see an end […]

One Liners from The One Mind

The greatest gift you can offer another is the awareness that they are loved, not because they are perfect, but because they exist. Therein lies the secret and the ointment for an ailing heart.

There is no greater security than the awareness and the beauty that the universe takes care of all its children.

Chaos, the […]