Light of the Soul

If your reality is experiencing lack, your internal reality is somehow strangulated from the flow. If your outside world is cluttered or compulsively clean, it is a reflection of an internal process.

Remember the light of the soul is like a projector that shines through the celluloid of your thoughts and projects onto the screen of your […]

God and Humankind

The only personality God has is your own. You name him. You create the definition and the image of the expression of God in your life. Humanity’s greatest fear is that God might actually be like themselves. When you look upon your image of God, you can see a mirror of the aspects of […]

Suffering & Challenges

Each of you have the opportunity to observe great human suffering. To understand it, it must be viewed from a perspective that transcends the physical plane of existence. The physical plane seems to offer little security and hope to explain away human suffering. Challenges, be they physical, emotional or perhaps financial, need not be […]

Ships of Song, A Parable of Ascension

“A powerful message of love and hope.”
James Redfield, author of Celestine Prophecy, The Secret of Shambhala

Excerpt from Chapter Four, Ships of Song, A Parable of Ascension

On the surface, Elizabeth was exploring her new playground. Barely able to hold her childlike excitement, she waited patiently for John to catch up with her. They had agreed […]

Of Past Times and Future Days

The evolution of the progression of consciousness is etched deeply in the fabric of the universe.
The ancient clockwork of time ticks obediently toward consciousness’ day.

Humanity’s journey of awakening is built upon yesterdays and reaching for tomorrows.
Of past times remembering and future days to come.

The immortal cause of consciousness awakens the waiting heart.
Beyond the veil […]

Of Dreams and Disappointments

Throughout our teachings, we have spoken of the power of your thoughts and the dominion of your consciousness in your life. Religiously and spiritually, you have been promised ultimate victory and realized goals if you have the faith or the focus to achieve them. So when disappointments occur, and they will, and tragedies trespass […]